

In 2008, ten people linked to the performing arts in Madrid created EL CLUB where they shared ideas, projects and other things. The members of EL CLUB were: Amalia Fernández, Fernando Quesada, Laura Bañuelos, Tania Arias, Maral Kekejian, Cristina Blanco, Ismeni Espejel, Emilio Tomé, Bárbara Bañuelos and Maria Jerez.

The idea of gathering this ten particular people came from Juan Domínguez -curator of Festival In-presentable at La Casa Encendida de Madrid. These ten people were, in one way or another, linked to the festival.

Inside this collective project, they created EL PASO: a way of working together and separately, collectively and individually. A tool. A network. A starting point. An excuse to start working.

EL PASO- Instructions

Gather 10 people (more or less).

Launch one project per person in a desired format with an identifying title.
Pass the project to another person in the group in order to transform it. That person pas it to another, and that person to another, without an established order, until it passes through everyone.
Each of these operations is called STEP (PASO).
Create your STEP for the next one within a week from the material received.
Once the process is completed there will be 100 STEPS organized in 10 projects.

that this recipe always offers different results since you are playing with chance.
that all projects travel simultaneously.
that individual results are constantly transformed in collective processes.
that the formats can change in each STEP.
that the process is invisible to the rest of the group until the end, like a exquisite corpse.
that the place you occupy in the process frees you from the responsibility of the past and the future of the project but commits you to the present.

Useful words: Traps, contagion, sausage, travel, impersonation, anonymous, group, unconscious reality of the group, 100% enthusiasm, speed, immediate, exquisite corpse, rhizome, misunderstanding, network, methodology, sequence composition ...

EL PASO led EL CLUB to: conduct a crazy research on contemporary dance and blindness; the creation of an emotional superhero movie with Miguel Hernández; an apocalypse of childhood and eldness; the abandonment and creation of a successful virtual artist; the exchange and capitalist devaluation in a family meal with subtitles in French; the multiplicity of the labor market with a pause at the Warhol Factory; the creation of a multimedia installation about nothingness or how to spend two months talking in a butcher shop in Tetuán to end up eating grass.